memes: July 2005 Archives

meme of the day

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Erik's Rants and Recipes: Friday Five
Five Seasonal Questions

Imagine you are in one of these hot places, where the mercury hits 100+, as this is the underlying assumption behind all of the questions.

1. What is your favorite way to beat the heat?
total immersion in water
2. What is your favorite hot weather dish?
gazpacho with sangria on the side
3. What is your ideal hot weather music?
norteno or banda
4. What smells do you associate with hot weather?
mexican food, and the smell in the air just before the thunderstorm hits
5. OK. Enough is enough. If time and money were no object, where would you go to escape this infernal heat?
the mediterranean rivier or the pyrenees

It's that time of year

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I have a week of vacation time to use up - August 20 to 27 - and nowhere I can afford to go.I shouldn't complain. I've travelled more than I really have a right to - even if much of it has been in a car going from here to there.

A Bunch of Fives Meme

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Jordan nailed me on this one.
What I was doing ten years ago:
I was halfway through my CNM program at the University of Southern California. My eldest child was also at USC (we graduated the same day). We were down to only 4 of 6 kids living at home.
5 years ago:
We were getting ready to interview for possible work in New Hampshire after having realized that Oregon was not going to work for us as a family. I was also in the last stages of preparing several talks for a midwifery conference cruise.
1 year ago:
Living in New Hampshire, catching babies, teaching residents, and wondering about the empty nest that is approaching way too fast.
Hanging out on call, answering the phone from wanna be in labor ladies.
5 snacks I enjoy:
macadamia nuts with dried pineapple
salt and vinegar potato chips
5 songs I know all the words to:
actually, I don't know all the words to very many songs - but I know most of them to most of the ones I sing.....
5 Things I would do with $100 million:
pay off all our debts
Give lots of it away
move back to the west coast
send all my kids to school
5 locations I would like to run away to:
the pacific northwest
the southwest (esp. Flagstaff AZ)
the mediterranean
East Anglia (part of england)
5 bad habits I have:
playing scrabble instead of doing what I am supposed to
whining instead of acting
5 things I like doing:
playing scrabble
crossword puzzles
hanging our with my husband
cooking and eating
5 things I would never wear:
stiletto heels
anything from hat to shoes that is too tight or hurts
fishnet stockings
see through anything
strapless dress without a coverup
5 TV shows I like:
Journey Home (EWTN)
GK Chesterton (EWTN)
EWTN live
Storm Stories (Weather Channel)
Spongebob Squarepants (Nick)
5 Biggest joys of the moment:
hearing from my kids
being part of st blogs
catching babies for repeat customers
fresh fruit and produce
being appreciated for who I am
5 Favorite toys:
Palm Pilot
My car (2003 PT Cruiser)
fondue pot
Kitchen Aid
5 Next victims:
Yikes - who hasn't been tapped yet?
any volunteers?

February 2013

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The WeatherPixie

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