memes: June 2005 Archives

no big surprise

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You scored as Roman Catholic. You are Roman Catholic. Church tradition and ecclesial authority are hugely important, and the most important part of worship for you is mass. As the Mother of God, Mary is important in your theology, and as the communion of saints includes the living and the dead, you can also ask the saints to intercede for you.

Roman Catholic


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Neo orthodox






Reformed Evangelical


Modern Liberal




Classical Liberal


What's your theological worldview?
created with
via bene diction

tagged by pam and bene

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Total Number of Books I Own/ Have Owned: I have no clue, but I am sure that it is in the tens of thousands, maybe even more. I grew up in a book family. My mom subscribed me to children's book clubs from about the age of 3 onwards. I turn around and look at the wall of my bedroom, and I see about 500 books on that one wall - and that doesn't begin to include the books next to my desk, scattered across the headboard, piled on the floor, nor does it include the books shelved in every room of the house or boxed up in the garage awaiting shelf space. Or the ones on the shelves in my office at work.

Last Book I Bought: good question. I bought 2 of them at the Barnes and Noble next door to the hotel in CA last weekend - Chesterton's The Everlasting Man and Sherwin Nuland's The Doctor's Plague. Just before that, I bought Patricia Cornwall's Portrait of a Killer.

Books I'm Reading Now:
I am trying to get through Everlasting Man, interspersed with Portrait of a Killer, with side trips to whatever book catches my eyes. I have ADD (for real) and it shows up in my reading habits, especially when I am under stress. The last books I finished were a reread of Thomas Merton's Seven Storey Mountain (the plane to CA) and The Doctor's Plague (plane coming home). still trying to decide what to take on the plane tomorrow.

Five Books That Have Meant A Lot to Me
(I assume this excludes the standards like the Bible, the dictionary, and the Encyclopedia Brittanica)
This is a real tough question, because I get so much out of practically every book I read. 50 years as a bibliovore makes choosing significant books excruciatingly hard.
The first book I remember reading all by myself was Peter Cottontail (Beatrix Potter)
The first book I had confiscated by my parents was Revolt in 2100/ Methusaleh's Children (Robert A Heinlein) I was 9 at the time.
The first book confiscated by a teacher was A Wrinkle in Time (Madeleine L'Engle) - and he took away my library card for 2 weeks, also. 6th grade
BTW, the books were not confiscated for content, but rather because I was reading instead of doing other stuff that the adults deemed more important.
The first convert testimony book I read was The Seven Storey Mountain
And the first book I read on childbirth (and the one that started me down the path to midwifery) was my mom's copy of Childbirth Without Fear - when I was 10 years old.

Tag Five Other Bloggers to Do This - If they Wish

lets try the gen x revert
dev thakur
Mr. Curley

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