Midwifery: August 2004 Archives

time to rest


Midwifery is like the ED - hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror. I've had a busy day on call, but the babies are all out and their moms and dads are holding them, and I have a (probably misplaced) sense of accomplishment. In reality, the moms do all the work. I'm just there as their trail guide, their lifeguard, their consultant. And they trust me enough to share those precious moments of birth.
I am immensely privileged in the work I have been called to do. Days like this, as stressful as they can be, are still my reward for the years of schooling and the hours of practice. To be able to say to a mom, "Reach down and lift your baby out of your body" is such an incredible high. To help a baby find the way to mom and food is such an incredible joy. Even in times where there are problems or complications, it means a lot to be able to help the family process their grief at the loss of their dream birth or dream baby.
Yes, I love being a midwife. And I also love it when the babies are born in time for me to get a reasonable night's sleep!
Good night all.

a mixed blessing


Ultrasounds: Profiting Off Pregnancies
There is good evidence that US can help pregnant women bond to their babies, and many CPCs are trying to get a machine so that they can counsel moms who might otherwise seek an abortion. I guess the hope its that is would be harder to kill a baby that you've seen.
I wish it were that simple. I have seen many women who have had an abortion even after that US.



over at the sleepy mommies
A birth announcement.

a beautiful baby picture


over at E-pression
congrats to zorak and the o.o.!

students of the history of medicine


A Selection: Storia della Scienza - History of Science

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Caduceus-L is my favorite.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Midwifery category from August 2004.

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