Midwifery: January 2004 Archives

great news!

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The ultrasound showed a 6 week pregnancy in the uterus, and her hormone levels are going up appropriately! Thank you Blessed Gianna, and thanks to all of you for your prayers!

It's been a long day

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and it's time to get some sleep. But before I hit the lumpy bed in the call room, another prayer request from a patient.
This young lady had a tubal ligation a couple of years ago, and has been regretting it for quite a while. She has actually been praying that it would reverse itself.
She came in today and had a positive pregnancy test.
Due to her surgery, she is at very high risk that this pregnancy is ectopic (out of place). She has an ultrasound tomorrow (actually, I guess later today!) to attempt to determine where the baby is. Her hormone levels are appropriate for her stage of pregnancy, which is a very good sign. My gut is not giving me any fits, which is another good sign. Anyhow, she asked for prayers, and I told her I would put her case on my prayer list at her request.
Blessed Gianna, put in a good word, will you?
Oh, and the reason I am up so late is that we just had a sweet baby born - 6 weeks early but so far so good. Pray for him, too, while you are at it. I wonder who the patron of premature babies would be. Maybe Blessed Gianna as well? After all, she was a pediatrician.......

From the Wall Street Journal

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(I would put the link but you can't access the article easily).
As 'Doulas' Enter Delivery Rooms, Conflicts Arise
Hired to Help in Childbirth, They Sometimes Clash With Doctors and Nurses
There's a new work force entering obstetrics wards. They are often strangers to the staff and unrelated to the patients. They aren't licensed and aren't required to have any formal medical training. And they are sparking protests in the medical community.
The workers are called doulas.
Named after the Greek word for slave, most doulas (pronounced doo-lah) are hired by expectant parents. Some just care for the mother at home after the baby is born. "Birth doulas" sit by the mother's side through the delivery, rubbing her back, suggesting alternate positions, listening to her fears and doing anything else that might help her through labor.
Many birth doulas advocate natural-birth methods that spurn common medical procedures, and from their post at the mother's bedside they are in a strong position to enforce that philosophy. Doctors complain that birth doulas sometimes persuade laboring mothers to reject Caesarean sections, medication and other treatments deemed medically necessary.

Read it

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and weep
WILKES-BARRE - Concerned his case could impact other pregnant women, a Plymouth man said Friday he's working with a national reproductive rights group to challenge a court order that sought to force his wife to undergo a Caesarean section against her will.
Woman hits hospitals' stance that she agree to C-section
A Plymouth woman who was ordered by a Luzerne County judge to consent to a Caesarean section delivery of her baby said Friday she was appalled by the treatment she received at two area hospitals.

License update

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My renewal came through, finally. I only had one last glitch with which to deal. They had all the paperwork including the elusive background check. But, since the license had technically lapsed, I had to come in and pay another $10 fee for 'reinstatement'. I also had to bring in documentation of my continuing education - fortunately auditing part one of the Fertility Care (Creighton model) was good for 57 of the 60 hours. But it is done. So I can go back to work Monday after jury duty.
Thanks for the prayers!

Not just a childhood disease

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Enbrethiliel is sick with chicken pox, which can be very serious in an adult. Please add her to your prayers.

Impending birth announcement


from Chris and Jenny of Let's Just Elope Already

final update

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I will have my license by next Monday. The state police, when I walked in this morning, were very helpful (if a little miffed by all the distraught nurses they have been seeing since the start of the year). They ran the check on the computer, told me that there were no problems, and that the BRN should have the info by the end of the day. The BRN said that they still have to process it. So I will be off work, but my boss's boss said that they will use my earned time so I am at least not out $$$ as well.
So thank you all for your fervent prayers. I really wonder what the purpose behind this is, but I am content that this is the best outcome I could expect - a couple of days of surprise vacation. I guess I could call them mental health days.

Happy baby prayers


for Sparki
whose labor started this morning.

Large family - rude comments

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For all of us who have been there - a bit from Touchstone Magazine's weblog.

major prayer request

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My NH state nursing and midwifery license expires on my birthday (Mon 1/12). It has still not been renewed thanks to a new law (effective 1/1/04) that requires the completion of a criminal background check before issuance. There was no new funding to support the increase in workload for the state police. I have been told that the only holdup is the background check.
I cannot work without a current license. My employer has a policy that would suspend me without pay. My hospital privileges will also be suspended, and that gets reported as a negative to the national practitioner data base, too. I need a major miracle and soon.
What a birthday present.

Thank you (update)


I saw my patient Kimberly and her baby on Friday. The baby was released from the hospital around the New Year, and is breastfeeding well and developing well. He had some serious hurdles in his first few days and weeks, including difficulty keeping his blood sugars normal, but he seems to be doing well now. He is cute as a button, too! His mom had some rough times too but is coping OK now - she says to thank all of you for your prayers.

Please pray


for Ashli.
She is facing more tough times with her pregnancy. She needs miracles. I am asking Blessed Gianna to intercede.

Prayer Request

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This is from my friend Rita, another certified nurse-midwife.
Friday, I leave for India for a two week mission trip . I hope to spend the majority of my time at a medical clinic although there are times planned at
a village for well building , times planned for orphanage ministry and times
to do altar ministry at a large Christian crusade .Please just pray as the
Lord leads. My aunt was so very ill and I was worried about leaving her but
now I can go knowing the Lord has taken her home. (Husband and daughter)support my trip but pray they do Ok while I am gone. My missionary friend who worked in Malaysia and India for many years told me to ask the Lord to prepare my heart because I could never be prepared for what I will encounter, so I ask
that you pray that I will be ready for whatever He wants me and the team to
do. I really need prayer thrrough this adventure!

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This page is a archive of entries in the Midwifery category from January 2004.

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