health and illness: May 2007 Archives

one price of the se*ual revolution


Hidden Epidemic of Chlamydia Infections in Young Women?
note - you must be registered on medscape to read this. I highly recommend registering if you have an ongoing interest in health issues. They don't sell their contact info or pass it around. I have no financial interest in this site, I just like it.

why breast is best

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Outcomes of breastfeeding versus formula feeding.
It's a .pdf file so you will need adobe acrobat to read it!

This is news?

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Common chemicals are linked to breast cancer - Los Angeles Times
How about the most commonly ingested carcinogens (according to the WHO) - exogenous female hormones (as in common contraceptives).

February 2013

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the health and illness category from May 2007.

health and illness: April 2007 is the previous archive.

health and illness: June 2007 is the next archive.

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