health and illness: May 2006 Archives

Dear Prayer Partners,
On May 3,2006, my mother, Ruth Schardin, suffered a frontal lobe stroke. While it did not affect her physical movement, it hit the portion of the brain that controls her personality, will, and emotions. She is currently in a hospital to try to control some of the damage. She is scheduled to come home on Friday and have a 24 hour a day care taker. This person will live with my mother around the clock. My sister, Linda, and I need wisdom in choosing this person. If this does not work out, it will be necessary to place her in a Dementia/ Altzheimer unit.
Please pray for us all, Diana Gearhart

Any one want to fisk this?


Registration required, and there will be an ad when you first click on the page. Contra-Contraception - New York Times
The writer actually gets quite a bit of what it's all about. He doesn't agree, though, and he makes the usual snide remark "Natural family planning, otherwise known as rhythm".
But I think that he is honestly baffled by the cultural currents he is seeing.

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This page is a archive of entries in the health and illness category from May 2006.

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