health and illness: April 2005 Archives

Another on line resource

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St. Gerard fertility care center's web page
There's a great opening prayer to St. Gerard, a news feed, and some forums for discussion of fertility and infertility issues from a Catholic POV.
It doesn't seem to be formatted blog style, but it isn't as static as many other web pages.
My mother in law (may she rest in peace) introduced me to St. Gerard. She had a great devotion to him, especially after she had serious complications in her third pregnancy. She credited his prayers with helping her and her babies to be alive and healthy despite recurrent kidney stones and twice having placenta previa. She even named one of her sons after him.
Even as an Anglican child, I had an understanding that the Communion of Saints included both the quick (living) and the dead (as the creed was formerly translated). One of the high points for me of the Papal funeral was listening to the litany of the saints. It was kind of like reading the credits at the end of a movie, and looking for the names of people I might know, however distantly.

As it says in the book, any friend of God's is a friend of mine. I have really appreciated getting to know more about the saints. I hope and pray that one day I will have a chance to see them face to face, in the glorious company of the angels, in the presence of our Lord and Savior.

RIP, Papa

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I just heard that the Vatican has notified us officially that the Holy Father has died, 2137 rome time. The vigil of the feast of the Divine Mercy.
Holy Father, pray for us! and may your sufferings on this earth be united with Christ's to help us who remain in this vale of tears.

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This page is a archive of entries in the health and illness category from April 2005.

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