language: September 2005 Archives

sorry about that

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the post below wasn't saying that I, personally, won't blog again till I get ten comments - I was just pointing to Jim's post about what looks to be a great book by Russell Shaw.
I haven't been posting much myself because I have been very busy, having been midwife for 6 babies since Wednesday morning. Each labor and birth had its own set of heart wrenching moments (as usual) and I spent most of today after Mass catching up on lost sleep.
No, I don't personally have a manuscript looking for a home! I have a few books sketched out in my brain but I haven't gotten around to writing them yet. I'm not sure I have the discipline to actually write them. Getting my articles done for Spero Forum has been challenging enough.
However, I probably would settle down and write seriously with the right incentives. I would love to write a textbook for midwives that has both NFP and the Catholic worldview integrated into the text. Similarly a book for expectant families - I personally despise the current best selling What to Expect When You are Expecting. Maybe I can take my Spero articles when and work them into that book.
It's taken me years to realize that I am not able to actually write fiction, at least not the kind of fiction that I like to read! I admire competent fiction writers, even those who end up doing hack work after a while. It is a struggle and a discipline that isn't well appreciated.

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