language: October 2004 Archives

twenty minutes/ one thousand words


My eighth grade English teacher did something that I hated at the time, but have since come to realize was a valuable gift she gave to all of us. Every Friday at the end of the day, she would put a topic up on the chalk board, hand out lined paper, and tell us to write an essay on that topic. We had 5 minutes to think about it, and 20 minutes to write about it, and she expected one thousand words, more or less. We were graded on content, organization, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and penmanship - in that order.
I am offering to you, my readers, the chance to challenge me in a similar way. If there is a topic you would like to see me tackle, send me an email and I will take it under consideration for a similar extemporaneous essay.
And those of you who are home schooling, might I suggest that you also set up a similar writing challenge?

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