faith in the desert: April 2005 Archives

please welcome


the artful diva to the parish. She's still hanging out in the back pews, trying to discern if this is where God has called her to belong.

round and round

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I've been listening to Marie Bellet in the car again. Her CD Lighten Up, to be specific. I brought it into the house just now so I could listen to it while I am writing this. I find so much encouragement in her music. She's a musician with an MBA who has worked in healthcare, and yet she sees her job as mom of eight to be the most important thing in her life. I've blogged on her earlier. I just love the way she says things. She is so Catholic, so incarnational.

A phrase from the song "Round and Round" has been rattling in my brain since shortly after the death of the Pope. Let me share.

They say "God, if we may be so bold
Why must our hearts suffer so?"
He says,"On a need to know basis, all will unfold
But my darlings, you don't need to know"

My blog friend Bene Diction asked me to wrote a few words about the papal elections and the Cardinal Ratzinger fan club for the next issue of the Spero Forum. All over the internet are sites wondering, speculating, laying odds and indulging in all sorts of all too human activities. I guess that we all want to know who the Holy Spirit will select for our next Pope - and hoping and praying that the electors are listening to the Holy Spirit! And I keep on hearing Marie singing "On a need to know basis, it all will unfold, but my darlings, you don't need to know."

the barracudas are circling

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Before you do anything else, go over and read Mr. Luse's tribute to the Holy Father.
As Mama T says the speculation has already begun by dissenters who hope (against common sense!) that the new pope will somehow change doctrine on the classic three issues - the ordination of women, the ban on artificial contraception (plus/minus abortion) and the condemnation of fronication, adlutery, and sodomy. I had the misfortune to be stuck in the car earlier today listening to a WBUR interviewer lead Mary Ann Hinsdale, a nun and associate professor of theology at Boston College, through her paces. I had prepared a well-written letter to the producer and was just about ready to send it when Comcast crashed the DNS server and my efforts were totally wiped out. I will try to rewrite it and get it sent ASAP but I am really bummed out. My basic contention was that they should, in the interest of balanced journalism, also interview Dr. Janet Smith, who after all teaches theology in a Major Seminary (and not just in a secular college) and who has written extensively and definitively on the topics in the interview.
If I manage to recover my thoughts, I'll post them here.
I really do need to get to sleep if I'm going to try to get up at 0 dark early to see the Papal funeral before I go to work. I hope that some one will tape it. John is currently incommunicado as he is on a Cursillo weekend. Pray for him - he's on the presenting team and this is his first time. He will be giving his talk just after breakfast tomorrow. I haven't made it to church or to adoration nearly as much as I would have liked this week. It seems like I'm either working or sleeping. I don't know why but the antibiotics are acting almost more like sleeping pills - but I know from the smell and taste that they are indeed the prescribed antibiotic. Three more days of antibiotics and I'll be free of them!

poetry worth reading today


Divine Mercy

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I have long thought that our Holy Father would die on the Feast of the Divine Mercy. Consider that he has so strongly encouraged this devotion, and was so pleased to be able to canonize St. Faustina. If he can hang on just a little longer, it will be Divine Mercy Sunday in Rome. But even if he doesn't hang on that long, it is still close enough that his current via dolorosa will be assoicated with the Divine Mercy.
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world.
Holy God. Holy mighty God. Holy, eternal God. Have mercy on us, and on the whole world.
Jesus, I trust in you.

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