faith in the desert: March 2008 Archives

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Speaking of Faith Is a public radio show that every week spotlights various men and women and their religious beliefs. In my opinion, it tends to be slanted towards New Age and "spiritual, not religious" ponts of view, but that could also just be an artifact of being on public radio. I am glad that they are soliciting input from the greater public, and I encourage you all to add your input. Click on the link below to speak your piece. The text below the link is from the site and is their explanation of what they are seeking.
Speaking of Faithョ from American Public Media

Share your personal reflections on the Catholic Church

Pope Benedict XVI will be making his first papal visit to the U.S. in April, to help revitalize and strengthen the U.S. church. He will be stopping in Washington D.C. and New York City to offer mass at Nationals Park and Yankee Stadium, visit the White House, and address the United Nations.

We're using the occasion as an opportunity to start a broad-ranging conversation about the rich tradition of Roman Catholicism -- its history, trajectory, and the contemporary issues Catholics are wrestling with. Although we often hear news stories about the Catholic Church, diverse practitioners of the faith have had little voice in telling their stories.

If you are or were Catholic, we'd like to hear your perspectives on what anchors and unsettles you in this vast tradition. We're also interested in the hopes and concerns you have for the church, now and into the future.

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This page is a archive of entries in the faith in the desert category from March 2008.

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