Miscellany: March 2004 Archives

My friend Diana requests prayers

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(Diana and I met in nursing school at Nurse's Christian Fellowship. Her son, and her sisters son, were both murdered in their car in front of their house in Los Angeles - a drive-by shooting)
These are from my sister, Linda. They all relate to her best friends, Joan and Mike.
1. Friday was the anniversary of the death of their daughter, Missy
2. Friday, Mike's niece, Joellen , gave birth to a much wanted, full term, baby girl. The baby was born at noon but by 8 PM had died. Joellen and her husband are devastated, as is the entire family. An autopsy is scheduled for today to try to find out why the baby died.
3. Joan was in Texas to help care for her grandson, Matthew. Matthew's nanny fed her son and Matthew from the same jar of baby food and her son is now in the hospital and possibly dying from a lung infection. Matthew has the same infection but is being treated at home at this time but is very ill.
4. Joan must arrange for immediate flight home to help with the baby's funeral and to be with Mike and his family in this puzzling time of grief. The entire family are wonderful Christians.
Please pray for all these special people as well as Linda and I as the 2nd anniversary of our son's deaths is next Tuesday. Thank You, Diana

In Ohio


Defending Marriagean interesting site

Bittersweet news from Sean


of Swimming the Tiber

I've been wanting to blog this for sometime, but haven't been able to work up the nerve until now. I was thinking of simply vanishing, but that really wouldn't be fair to those who've followed this blog for the year and half of its existence, nor to those who have been praying for me. So, here's a final update before I sign off.

After spending almost two months at Holy Resurrection Monastery, I've decided that I want to continue to see if I can be a monk. The brotherhood of the monastery have, against all reason, decided to let me try. So, if all goes according to schedule, I'll be a postulant living at the monastery as of Palm Sunday. In the mean time, I've been settling up affairs here in Fort Collins and, tomorrow, I head off to my folks place to spend a couple of weeks with them. I guess the moral of this story is "Be careful what you pray for..."

To those who read this blog, thank you... I'll never understand why so many of you kept returning when I had so little of interest to say. To those who commented on this blog, thank you for your input... you made this blog far more interesting than it ever could have been on its own. To those who prayed for me during the last year, thank you... don't you dare let up on those prayers now!


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I'm currently grieving a loss. It is a very small loss, but a loss none the less, and I may be a little distant or short-tempered for a while. I will try not to be so, but if I am, please except my apologies in advance.
A song that has been helping me a lot is Marie Bellet's "Thy will be done", which, reading between the lines, applies to a similar kind of loss.
Thank you all for you prayers. My friends, if you have a need to know the details, send me an email. I just don't want to post them in a public place.

Productivity's Pendulum: More Is Less


An interesting article from my husband's industry

Do Quality and Quantity Have a Zero-Sum Relationship?

Totally off-topic


But very funny The Exorcist in 30 seconds - cartoon enaction by bunnies.

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