please read and weigh in

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This gives me hope. Nice to know aht at least one Dr. is really for women!


Being a pharmacist in a retail setting I see the reality of "emergency contraception" as being a product to promote promiscuity. They don't feel anything other than some nausea.

California has a conscience clause but it stops at the pharmacist having the right to refuse dispensing. He can't opt out of referrals.

Well, I've finally resigned my position at a large retail chain that shall remained nameless. And when I asked for similar accommodation, I've been refused twice during interviews. One came from another retail chain and the other is a hospital whose services include obstetrics.

In both instances I was told, "We respect your opinion but ....."

And then they bring up the pregnancy due to rape. It's still a child as far as I am concern.

And that's why I seem to have too much time on my hands lately. I'm at home enjoying my children.

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