From my inbox today


Information about an upcoming TV show from the director of Apple Tree Family Ministries

Subject: Freud, Lewis, and PBS
PBS is running a show this week and next based on Dr. Armand Nicholi's book The Question of God. As Chuck Colson explains, it contrasts the "contrasting worldviews" of Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis, one a secular materialist and the other a theist, considers the big questions of life like sexuality and suffering, and clearly shows how these two men's views impacted their lives for ill and for good, respectively. He also says it's not dry and boring, but interestingly presented.

The book itself grew out of a Harvard class Dr. Nicholi teaches on the subject, and though I haven't read it myself, I've heard very good things about it. Colson recommends it and the broadcast highly. As he says, he's always contended that when Christianity is rationally examined as a worldview, it emerges as the most reasonable one, and this special apparently does that.

We can certainly use TV that accurately discusses Christianity, so you might be interested. It's scheduled for 9/15 and 9/22, but local PBS stations often vary their scheduling. You can find your local station at here , which also allows you to look up the network's description of the program itself.
Kathy Nesper
Apple Tree Family Ministries

see also:
PBS's own page about the program:(They apparently also have other pages where one can delve deeper.)

Chuck Colson's radio program/transcript (today's) on the program.

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