Monday Mission


1. One thing that really annoys me is when someone at work will just start clipping their fingernails at their desk. In most cases, it is men who do
this, which only makes it worse. I can't explain why this grates on my nerves, but when I hear that "click-click-click" of the clippers, I just imagine nasty fingernail fragments flying everywhere. What habit do people have that drives you crazy but doesn't seem to bother anyone else?
Saying "you know?" every 3 words.
2. I just had to replace the compressor in my car. That was $400 I didn't have that is now gone. Have you had any expensive car trouble recently?
I have 260,000 miles on my 1991 van. Last year I spent $800 to fix an oil leak. Now it is still humming along.
3. A friend of mine came over for dinner with us this recently, and brought her baby. At only 8 months he is as cute as the dickens, but when he got hungry, his momma just whipped out her boob for him to start chowin' down on. Among friends or family I can see why she wouldn't be shy, but it still made me a little uncomfortable. I realize it is a natural function and wonderful bonding experience, but I wasn't ready to be a part of it. How do
you feel about mothers who breastfeed their children in public? At what age do you think they should stop?
I have blogged extensively on this in the comments box over at Two Sleepy Mommies. Basically, if you aren't uncomfortable seeing a baby take a bottle, you shouldn't be uncomfortable seeing a baby nurse. My not so humble opinion is that the person who is offended needs to grow up and get over it.
4. I was watching the "Antiques Road Show" recently, and the resident "expert" presented the "Atari 2600" game system as a popular collectible. I am now officially OLD! Do you recall the first item from your youth that became an "antique" and made you feel old and how you felt? Or if it hasn't happened, yet, what item do you think it will be and how do you expect it to make you feel?
There is so much from my youth that is antique (vinly recordings, anyone?) that I don't even think about it.
5. It started raining last night as I was going to bed. Not storming or a hard rain, just a nice rainfall. The pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the window made for a peaceful way to drift to sleep (and also made it hard to wake up this morning). Do you like rainy days/nights? What type of weather makes you feel relaxed?
I like it to rain when I am sleeping. I despise snow. I am relaxed when it is warm and dry. I love New Mexico.
6. We used to joke about the retired couple across the street. Every night, they would pull out their lawn chairs, sit in their driveway and watch the world go by. We laughed about how someone would just waste away their life like that. Now 8 years later, I pull out the lawn chairs and we find ourselves doing exactly the same thing. Life has a way of making one humble. Have you ever found that you have become that which you once ridiculed?
Too many times to enumerate.
7. Have you ever sent an e-mail to the wrong person? What was the most embarrassing experience you remember?
I have not sent email to the wrong person, but I once gave a wrong email address for myself, and had to write to the owner of the email addy asking to have my stuff forwarded.

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