Religion: May 2005 Archives

Happy St Phillip Neri day!

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to Quenta Narwen and all Oratorians out there!

another blogger discovers

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The beauty of Humanae Vitae
May I also suggest Janet Smith's classic talk?
Yesterday I spent an hour at a local Marriage Prep program giving 'the talk' about NFP. It is challenging, knowing that probably most of these couples are already in a sexual relationship, contracepting, maybe even living together, maybe even already parents. Still, I have hope at least partially from my own experience, and even more from reading about the experience of others, that sometime somewhere at least a few of these couples will be open to and experience a conversion of heart.
Now, more than ever, there needs to be a return to the custom of having Confession available at the wedding rehearsal. How many marriages have their sacramental graces frustrated because the souls of the couple are already stained?

novena time


I don't know why it took me so long to understand where the tradition of the Novena came from. Maybe it is because I became a Catholic first because of intellectual reasons, and my adoption into the culture was very slow. But a few years ago I counted the days between Ascension and Pentecost and came up with a novena. duh!
This year is very special for my family because our youngest daughter will be receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. Her class will be confirmed Friday 5/13, two days before Pentecost. Please hold her in your Novena Prayers, that she will be strengthened by the Holy Spirit. She is in the last stages of selecting her Confirmation saint, and has been doing a great job researching even some obscure ones, to find a special patron for her life.
Here is a link to the official prayers for this novena.

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