Blog stuff: June 2004 Archives

a rather wordy blog



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Tony's Catholic Life as from a young man who seems to be trying to learn how to live his faith. drop by and encourage him a bit.

another priest blog!

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Nathan moves again

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The Tower is (he promises) his final blogging site. Update your rolls again.

Tony, Tony, come around


Something's lost and must be found.
Somewhere in the haze between sleep and wakefullness, I had a thought about the difference between suicide and martyrdom. I wish I could remember it? Do you think St. Anthony is good at helping find lost thoughts?

Please help a fellow blogger!



Jeff designed and printed a wonderful little prayer booklet that I have been giving as gifts for various occasions. I haven't seen his other work, but if his routine work is even half as good as the prayer book, I don't see how one could go elsewhere.

blog forecast

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It is up to 937 comments on this blog as I type. (that of course does not include all the spam I have deleted).
I may be scarce for a while. I have my 24 hour call tomorrow and a lot of moms are trying to persuade their babies to come out while I am on the deck. Then, Thursday evening I am flying into Chicago Midway, renting a car, and driving to Milwaukee. I will be staying with a friend I have known for nearly 25 years and attending a conference on Sexual Ethics at Marquette. So far I have arranged to meet a fellow blogger for morning prayer and Mass at the Cathedral Friday morning, and will also have a chance to meet HMS blogger Kevin Miller at the conference. Fly home Sunday morning and meet up with another fine blogger Sunday evening.
Shall be kind of busy, no?

blog alert


FIDES et RATIO is a great new blog out of the Boston Archdocese. "Father Elijah" blogs about faith and reason.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Blog stuff category from June 2004.

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