A totally different topic

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Via Mama T.
If someone gave you 3 new goldfish today, what would you name them?
Cheddar, Pretzel, and Rainbow
What's the worst movie you've seen this year so far?
I don't go to the movies, and if it's bad at home I don't watch it.

If given the chance and you could pick the person, would you want to switch lives with someone on earth for one whole day?
Main Course
What's your favorite season? Name 2 things you love about it.
Early summer - long days but not too hot.
What is something you frequently buy that you don't really need?
Expensive coffe drinks.


Chedder, Pretzel and Rainbow! Too cool!

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This page contains a single entry by alicia published on September 2, 2005 11:49 PM.

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