Alphabet meme - from several sources

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A is for Age - 50
B is for Booze - I'll try anything once, twice if I like it. But not many beers make the cut
C is for Career - Midwife, wife/mother, teacher, writer
D is for Dad’s name - Bill
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - my brains
F is for Favorite song at the moment - Boom, Like That by Mark Knofler
G is for Goof off thing to do -
H is for Hometown - Los Angeles CA
I is for Instrument you play - flute, guitar, mountain dulcimer, a little piano
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - rhubarb, plum, apricot
K is for Kids - On earth, 4 girls and 2 boys, and at least 4 more in heaven (or limbo)
L is for Living arrangement - 2 story cape cod with full basement, 4 bed 3 bath on 1/3 acre. The house faces exactly due south, so it's not straight on the lot.
M is for Mom’s name - Patricia Louise - Patsy Lou as a child
N is for Names of best friends - Diana, Denise
O is for overnight hospital stays - 4 hospital births, 3 surgeries
P is for Phobias - snails and slugs
Q is for Quote you like - "Of course I'm serious, and quit calling me Shirley"
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - Married now for 31 plus years.
S is for Siblings - 3 sisters, 2 brothers
U is for Unique trait - You guys tell me!
T is for Texas , Ever been? - Yep. Even lived there for a while.
V if for Vegetable you love - artichokes, asparagus,
W is for Worst trait - procrastination
X - is for XRays you’ve had - teeth, breasts, kidneys, lungs, arms, hands, feet (sounds like I should glow in the dark!)
Y is for Yummy food you make - just about everything. posole, tamales, risotto,
Z is for Zodiac sign - decline to state. astrology is bunk, and unChristian at that.

Feel free to snitch this for yourself - I did!


Alicia, I didn't know that there was another So. Cal. transplant living in southern NH! My wife (also pictured here) was raised in Covina, CA, just outside of Los Angeles.

Oh, how I laughed at your quote! We say that in our family all the time!!!!

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This page contains a single entry by alicia published on May 26, 2005 4:36 PM.

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