What is a NeoCon anyhow?

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My friend Bene Diction asked me to invite any pundits who read my blog (probably no one but one never knows) to contribute to this discussion.
I was listening to EWTN's The World Over (a rerun of the Sept 10,2004 show) and heard Patrick Buchanan give an interesting definition of NeoCon - he was more than a little disparaging in his use of the term. I don't remember the details, and the show isn't archived yet (when it is you can find it here and click on "Listen to past programs"). But it was something along the lines of NeoCons being Great Society/New Deal Democrats who became disappointed and changing their stripes.

I am not really fond of labels. One of the things I remember about this morning's homily was a plea to forget the labels and pay attention to the person inside. What Father didn't tell me was how to deal with those who demand that they be known and treated according to their labels rather than their humanity.

Anyhow, if you want to contribute to this discussion, please bop over to Bene's blog. Thanks!

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Shibboleth from Bene Diction Blogs On on September 13, 2004 1:08 AM

This is an interesting Catholic orthodox look at the decay of Western culture. The Fifth Column uses the imagery of Madonna and child, coupled with a quote from Mother Therea and looks at residual culture. "When a mother can kill her own child, what is... Read More


Alas, it looks like it's already over...

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