It's been a long day

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and it's time to get some sleep. But before I hit the lumpy bed in the call room, another prayer request from a patient.
This young lady had a tubal ligation a couple of years ago, and has been regretting it for quite a while. She has actually been praying that it would reverse itself.
She came in today and had a positive pregnancy test.
Due to her surgery, she is at very high risk that this pregnancy is ectopic (out of place). She has an ultrasound tomorrow (actually, I guess later today!) to attempt to determine where the baby is. Her hormone levels are appropriate for her stage of pregnancy, which is a very good sign. My gut is not giving me any fits, which is another good sign. Anyhow, she asked for prayers, and I told her I would put her case on my prayer list at her request.
Blessed Gianna, put in a good word, will you?
Oh, and the reason I am up so late is that we just had a sweet baby born - 6 weeks early but so far so good. Pray for him, too, while you are at it. I wonder who the patron of premature babies would be. Maybe Blessed Gianna as well? After all, she was a pediatrician.......



me too!! Praying for this miracle pregnancy!!

Summas, praying!

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This page contains a single entry by alicia published on January 22, 2004 2:27 AM.

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