alicia: February 2008 Archives

Today's Wedding Cake

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This is a pic from the celphone. I was too busy as the mother of the bride to do much else. We are having a wonderful time in Post Falls Idaho.





Husband's love and a rollicking save coma wife - Telegraph
They were ready to shut off her life support - one wonders how many other cases like this we haven't heard about.

audemus dicere


Have you ever considered just how brave we are to call God our Father? That we have the audacity to say "Our Father"?
Scott Hahn talks about an interview he had with a Muslim cleric,where this particular cleric became increasingly uncomfortable as Scott continually referred to God our Father. The Muslim gentleman asked Scott to "quit blaspheming". In the view of Islam, Allah is a master, not a father.
But we are told quite specifically to call our God, "father".
For those of us with problematic relationships with our earthly fathers, this can be a very difficult concept. On the other hand, having a relationship with our Heavenly Father can be a way to heal those difficulties with our earthly fathers.
Just a few random thoughts that fell out of my brain recently.



a set of memories

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My grandmother died last week. Here is a cropped out picture of her, from the photo sessions we did last October.
She was in her early 90s. She outlived two husbands and both of her sons. She is survived by 9 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren (14 g-granddaughters and 7 g-grandsons) and one great-great granddaughter, (Emma).
I lived with her for a year when I was seven and again for 6 months when I was twelve. Her house in San Diego was our legal residence for many years of my childhood while my dad was in the Air Force.
Gram was quite a lady. She loved to read and she instilled that love in all of us. She taught first grade from the time her children left home until she turned 65 and retired - then she turned around and stayed on at the school as a reading specialist until her health was so that she could no longer drive herself there - sometime in her 80s I think. She introduced me to science fiction and she herself was a big fan of the horses - she loved to read Dick Francis novels.
The following is from the first draft of her obituary (a work still in progress)

Anne EHRHART, 93, a pioneer resident of San Diego died peacefully in her sleep 15 February 2008 at the home of her grand-daughter Catherine EHRHART STARR in Lexington, Kentucky. Anne was born 16 June 1914 in Onoway, Alberta, Canada. She was the daughter of William Yates and the grand daughter of James Yates, who settled in Alpine around 1885. James brought his family by ship across the Pacific from Lancashire, England, landing in New Orleans in 1885, then traveling with his wife and 7 children overland to San Diego County where they settled.

Her father William married in Canada and Anne was brought from Canada to San Diego by way of Detroit, Michigan by family members after the death of her father William in WWI. William was with the Canadian Infantry (Alberta Regiment) and died at the battle of Regina Trench in France. He has a memorial at Greenwood Cemetery with other family members.

By 1920, she was living with her grandmother and aunts in Mission Hills and remained there until her marriage to Ed Lindley, except for a short sojourn in England where she was schooled at Battle Abbey in East Sussex.

Anne was predeceased by her two husbands, her two sons and one great grand daughter (Sophie Isadora Kessler). Her first husband Edward Ise Lindley was the son of Fred E. Lindley, Esq and Alma Ise Lindley. Together they had two sons, William Yates LINDLEY EHRHART, and Robert Yates LINDLEY. William took the last name of his stepfather in school and as an adult. Her second husband was John Victor EHRHART.

Mrs. Ehrhart received her Masters Degree in Education from San Diego State University. She taught school at All Saints’ Episcopal School in Hillcrest As a gift to her long time dedication to learning, the school library was dedicated to her.

As the ravages of old age overcame her, she sold her home in San Diego to be near her son in El Segundo, when William died she went to stay with her grand daughter in Kentucky.

She was a loving, caring mother, grandmother and great grandmother to her family and a loving teacher to her students, she will be greatly missed.

From the internet page for the school library

Anne Ehrhart Library

emma valentine

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She is 8 months old now.

1950s childbirth education

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whither the weather, woes

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Here in Rockford IL we are under a severe winter weather condition - the snow is falling at 1-2 inches per hour. John won't make it home for crepes (traditional Shrove Tuesday fare in our household) because he is out helping with Super Tuesday coverage for the radio station. I got a phone call earlier from Memphis - they are under tornado warning conditions and it has to be scary there too. I am just hoping that the babies have enough sense to stay inside where it is warm, at least until the weather clears up a bit.

I guess the crepe batter will keep in the fridge until thursday.....

escaping from obligations

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A while back, I was memed but was not on a computer where I could post anything. And now, while there are tons of stuff that I should be doing (preparing a talk, for one) I am going to take a very quick break and answer the meme.
Book Meme Rules
1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people
1. The book, A Father Who Keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn (sitting on the desk for the talk I am working on)
Joseph further displayed his wisdom by suggesting a way to deal with the situation. His proposal so impressed Pharaoh and all the servants that the king immediately set Joseph over all the land of Egypt, second in command only to the Pharaoh himself. Joseph was thirty years old when he entered into the king's service.
drowning in lavender

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