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September 8, 2006

bye bye stuff


Posted by alicia at September 8, 2006 11:05 PM

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Its so weird to imagine that house empty.

I remember that we moved into it the week of the World Trade Center tragedy and were without TV or Radio during the entire affair.

I had a good time in that house, and bad times too, being a rebellious teenager and all that.

I remember when we went with the inspector to get the house looked at, that the old oil tank in the basement was huge and imposing, that bebbers room was the spare, with twin beds, and dees room was the baby's room, and mine was where the MIL would stay on a visit.

We changed so much of that house and so little at the same time. Hard to accept never going into it again.
Cheers and good luck with the new place Mom!

Posted by: Cleen at September 10, 2006 10:37 AM

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