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August 27, 2006


When I checked yesterday's mail, I found that our realtor has put our house in one of those books that list houses throughout the area - you know, the kind that they have at the supermarket and in the literature racks at motels. She is working hard to market our house for us. We're working hard to get ready to move!

O faithful and prudent Saint Joseph,
watch over our weakness
and our inexperience;
obtain for us that prudence which reminds us of our end,
which directs our paths and which protects us from every danger.
Pray for us, then, O great Saint,
and by your love for Jesus and Mary,
and by their love for you,
obtain for us the favor we ask in this novena...

Help our house to sell!


Saint Joseph, pray for us!

Posted by alicia at August 27, 2006 11:37 AM

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