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May 2, 2006

NPR does it again

What important adjective is missing from this story?
Missouri Race May Hinge on Stem-Cell Opinions
by Greg Allen
All Things Considered, May 2, 2006
Election 2006
Supporters of stem-cell research in Missouri have likely turned in enough signatures to place a measure protecting stem-cell research on the ballot. But Sen. Jim Talent (R-MO) has announced he will oppose the measure -- a stance that pro-life groups had long requested.

The adjective is embryonic.
Here's a letter that I sent NPR on this very topic.
And here, following, is the reply I rec'd - almost a full month after my original letter. Do you think it would be worthwhile to send in another letter on the same topic?

Dear Alicia,

Thank you for contacting NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday.

We appreciate your comments concerning a piece heard while listening to NPR programming.

As the primary news source for millions of Americans, NPR takes our
responsibility to be accurate very seriously. In addition to NPR's
reporters and hosts, our expert team of research librarians has proven themselves to be among the best in their field. Countless hours are devoted every day in order to ensure that only the most exact information is communicated to our listeners -- from correct pronunciation to precise dates in history.

We welcome praise, as well as criticism, and your suggested correction will be taken into consideration.

Additionally, your message has also been forwarded to Jeffrey Dvorkin, the Ombudsman for NPR. For more information about the role of the NPR Ombudsman, please visit http://www.npr.org/about/people/bios/jdvorkin.html.

Thank you again for listening to Weekend Edition Sunday, and for your continued support of public broadcasting. For the latest news and information, visit NPR.org.

That's what I thought. But I somehow feel compelled to try again.
My letter is below. Let's see what, if any, response I get.
Dear NPR:
In February, I sent you a short letter about your editorial use (or non-use) of the adjective "embryonic" in connection with the controversies in stem-cell research. I would like once again to point out that those of us in the pro-life movement are NOT categorically opposed to stem-cell research - we are simply opposed to the destructive use of human embryos for that research. We support stem cell research when those cells are derived in a morally acceptable manner and not through the cannibalistic use of human embryos. Please, when you forgo the precise use of language in such a controversial area as this, you create misconceptions and also reveal your personal and corporate biases.

I am attaching to this email copies of our prior correspondance. I hope that you will have to courtesy to reply once again and preferably not with boiler plate more than a month after my original letter.

Posted by alicia at May 2, 2006 9:23 PM

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Well said..

Posted by: Kriss at May 6, 2007 1:23 PM

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