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October 29, 2005

adventures in plumbing

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my husband? I had no idea when we got married that he would be useful as well as decorative in so many ways!
Friday night,after dinner, he noticed that the cupboard under the kitchen sink was close to being afloat. He looked it over and decided that the problem was most likely a leak in the hand help sprayer thingie. I hauled all the stuff out from under the sink and put it on a rug on the kitchen floor to dry. We told dear daughter not to touch the sprayer thingie and went to bed.
Saturday we got up and left for our already scheduled attendance at the diocesan Respect Life conference. (good stuff). We got home, and he immediately started looking at the plumbing to see what kind of sprayer thingie to get to replace the leaky one.
He was out the door on the way to the hardware store when I poured a little water directly down the drain and heard the sound of water hitting wood - looked down to see a cascade coming out of the drain pipe. Called him on the cell to say "Come back home, you will probably need to get some more parts". The drain pipe was totally rotted out.
To make a long story a little shorter, after two trips to the hardware store, we now have several new bits of kitchen plumbing completely installed and working well.
He also tore out the rotted wood shelving from under the sink, and once the floorboards are dry enough, he will nail down a new bit of plywood on the cabinet floor. Have you ever had the fun of removing plywood layer by layer? It is amazing what total saturation with water does to otherwise well behaved wood......
Anyhow, as he was working on this bit of home maintenance, I was thinking about how much in time and money it would have been to get a plumber out on a Saturday - and how I probably would have had to replace not just the flooring of the cabinet but the whole cabinet (which would have meant taking out the sink and rewiring the garbage disposal).
God really blessed me when he sent this man into my life!
Now, I am not totally incompetent, and I have been known to replace pipes in my day. But I am so blessed in having a husband who is not only able but willing to tackle this kind of everyday chore.
And I want to say so in public~

Posted by alicia at October 29, 2005 10:25 PM

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"All part of the job Ma'am"

And all done as of this afternoon!

One of those jobs where a "Sawzall" (or equivalent as that is a brand name) comes in very handy! If you've never seen that tool - look it up!

With the proper blade I've been using it at work to knock down 5" diameter 30' maples. I've learned a local term: "Weed maples".

Weed Maples are a lot less useful than the "Weed pine" (Douglas Fir) that is the logging monoculture in most of Oregon.

Posted by: John Huntley at October 30, 2005 10:15 PM

I would like to come here again. It sounds god to me, and there’s a lot of interesting information here

Posted by: Layal at April 6, 2008 11:41 AM

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