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July 14, 2005

scary noises

there's a major thunder storm going through right now, and it sounds like I'm inside a cannon playing the 1812 overture. power keeps flickering, makes me glad that this laptop has a good battery and we have UPS on other stuff.
the rain is coming down like a cow peeing on a flat rock, and I hope that is doesn't wash out my garden. I actually have a few baby zuch s that I so want to grow up to eating size.
my husband is an hour's drive away on top of a building putting up a new radio site for the station. thank God for cell phones, I was able to reach him and tell him that the storm is headed his way so that they can safely get down and head back.
I know that this is nothing compared to what my friends in Florida have been going through, but you know? I much prefer major earthquakes to major weather.

Posted by alicia at July 14, 2005 3:24 PM

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it's raining madly here in TX as well...of course, our season started too late for our farmers, but it seems to be trying to make up for lost time.

Posted by: smockmomma at July 15, 2005 1:30 PM

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